Last Thursday our class visited Bonn, which is the former Capital of Bundesrepublik Deutschland, and has many interesting things to offer. Our first stop was the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung where lots of interesting books were on sale, most only for the bargain price of 2€ each. I again realised that the combination of Cheap and Books is dangerous for my wallet. Thereafter, with a somewhat lighter wallet and decidedly heavier backpack, we went to the Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland and for those who understand German you can take the virtual tour. This is just the type of stuff I love.
Here you see Lina from Lund in front of Beethovens house (and also in front of me :-)
Tuesday this week we did something similar, namely an excursion to Aachen. This is where the cultural heart of Western Europe is, at least in historical terms. We also made a short de-tour to the “Siberia of Prussia” and Monschau. Cute, but a bit chilly. On the plus side there were zero other tourists in the town as we made our walk-about.
Here we have a typical Monschau-house and some equally typical frozen swedes (that alone should tell you it was chilly)
On an equally chilly note, my "adoptive" family’s relationship is somewhat strained. Not due to any fault of mine. Whilst in class yesterday I received the following SMS “Hallo patrick[sic.]! Lass bitte auf keinen fall alex[the Dad] in die Wohnung- habe ihn rausgeschmissen. Danke und sorry für lärm etc. Anna“. The translation would be “Hello P. Let under no circumstances Alex in- I have thrown him out. Thanks and sorry for the noise etc”. Looks like I have found my self in the middle of some family drama. Yesterday I also spoke with the family member with most reason (Mascha, the daughter) and she said that she will move to her grandmother (in a town just 30 min away) but would expect to come back sometime soon. Apparently it is not the first time this sort of thing happens.
All in all, a fairly exciting week with a mix of History and Drama (plus a lot of fun and partying, but that I’ll talk about next time).
Auf Wiedersehen!
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