Saturday, April 14, 2007

Family Matters

For Xmas my sister and I posed for some pictures we gave as gifts to relatives. Since they are so nice (both the relatives and the pictures) I thought I'd share them online (only the pics). Partly as a means of wishing my sister good luck with her Manhattan Project :-)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Marvellous, Fantastic, Super

I realise that I am most likely inviting disaster by stating that things are VERY well right now.

After a rough patch, where at work demands were a bit high and with my housing situation far from ideal, I am now on a roll.

First I got a new much better place to stay. Then I got a visit from Sweden. It is always nice with some fresh eyes to help you rediscover a place; they also serve as an impetus to discover new things (which we for sure did). Do I need to mention that both weather and circumstances were conducive for an excellent time? An indication of how much fun we had was that the earliest we came home was 5 a.m.

Then on yesterday I received notice that my thesis partner and I have been granted the scholarship we needed to conduct our thesis work! This means that I will be in Colombia for about 2-3 months, starting in the late summer!

Uppdate: I wrote previously about the research behind our topic. Very good videos, lectures and articles are just two clicks away.