Sunday, March 19, 2006

Hospital Flag

Me: Yes, I'm going to Switzerland.
What do you know about that place?
Cousin: I dunno, isn't it the country with the hospital flag?

Today will be the last Sunday until late July that I have dinner with my family and immediate relatives. As I was talking to them, in particular my young cousins, I realized that they (and maybe others) had a limited knowledge of what I am going to do in Switzerland.

So, in order to give you a preview of what my future posts will be about here is a short list.

  • By living in a (almost) German speaking area I strongly hope to improve my mastery of Deutsch. Therefore, don't be surprised if I comment on something language related
  • I am after all going on a student exchange, so school will enter into the picture, be it an eccentric professor that deserves mentioning or some random thought I have on a topic related to my studies.
  • Exchange is always about meeting people, both local and the other exchangers. Add to that that I will probably hang around with the local CEMS Club and AIESEC LC. Expect bits of gossip and lots of pictures.
  • Not only does the setting of a medium sized Swiss town offer something pleasing to the eye. It also brings vast possibilities to enjoy the out-doors. I am bringing my bike, uni-hockey/innebandy stick & badminton racket, but will most likely enjoy skiing, football and just plain sight-seeing as well.
  • Being the perpetual optimist I fully expect there to be time over to indulge in reading the many books I need to, in order to research my thesis. I don't know how much I'll comment directly on this work, but I'll probably link frequently to stuff that is related

CH in minus 5!

1 comment:

Cecilia Bernard said...

What up?

Now when I'm blogging myself I have experienced how nice I think it is when people leave comments, i.e. someone (except for mom) actually cares about your daliy thoughts and sometimes rather unexciting life :)

For this particular reason I would like to tell you that I DO care and that I will check out your blog once in a while.

Kramar Cissi

PS It is SPRING in Rotterdam. Absolutely wonderful!