As usual events happen quickly and all nearly at the same time, hence it is now time to step back and summarize what has happened during the two weeks since I left Stockholm.
First, I took a trip
(click on each pic to see more pics and read shortly about it)
Surviving by consuming this
All this so that I can spend the days slowly moving my thesis forward by having meetings with professors at the local universities, or with the education office in City hall or get guided tours of the slum by locals. No prizes for guessing which is the most exciting. However, since things move at a relaxed pace I am also finding time to learn Spanish, read books, try to learn salsa (Cali is the Capital of Salsa) and general just hanging around in the sun. And sometimes I also visit a local gym, which is not quite what one would have guessed.
I have a new SIM-card if anyone wants to send an SMS: +57 30 12 72 91 65
Shortcuts: Main / Trip / Cali / House / Food / Gym
Looks pretty sweet, mate! Stay out of trouble and salsa your ass off!
Jiiihoo! Din blogg is actually ALIVE! Vilken fin presentation av Cali. Dessvärre känner jag redan en stor tomhet efter att dina klassiska 'slide-shows' nu kommer att utebli vid hemkomsten om du ska fortsätta vara så här duktig med kameran. Fast jag klarar mig nog. Way to go! Puss och kram!
Hey Patrik!
Reading your blog is always funny and informative at the same time!
Great to hear that Colombia is treating you well. Over the years and based on reports from friends (Colombian and European) I’m getting the impression that Colombia is such a contradictory country. On the one hand you hear about the crime and struggles for peace, people get shot and it actually sounds like a war situation. And then on the other hand it’s described as paradise, safe and moving towards a great future.
I’m looking forward to your next blogs! It’s a bit like joining you on your trip ;-)
By the way, I put a link to your blog on my blog. Hope you don’t mind? Just thought that your writing should be exposed to a wider public :-)
Take care und viele liebe Grüße nach Kolumbien,
von carolin :-)
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