Joni's room has a hammock Cool house, where my thesis partner Joni lived during his previous stays. The owners, a family of three, also live here and they are very nice and helpful. Also nice are the two dogs of the family. I have never seen any two dogs equally apt at detecting people approaching the house. Once one steps even close to the house, regardless of noise from the street, they will run to the door and welcome you with some barking.
Joni and Ivan (the son of the family and Joni's best Colombian friend)
One of the dogs with some books (reading?)
The house also has a roof which it is possible to climb and use as sun deck, or just to observe Siloe, the nearest slum, creeping up along a hill a stone throw away from the house. In the evening, when the lights in the slum dwellings are on it looks as if a galaxy has landed on the hill. It is simply mesmerizing.
Siloe in the daytime The only tiny drawback with this accommodation would be that I don’t have internet in my room or that the shower has warm water, but considering that I get to use Joni’s computer (to write this for example) or that the weather is such that all I want is cold showers anyway, these are truly insignificant problems.
The neighborhood is very relaxed and nice, as you can see.

I just love the fact that bananas are hanging over the parking space
Shortcuts: Main / Trip / Cali / House / Food / Gym
Well, I've seen it before, but still your pictures make me wanna leave my overfilled desktop and just take a plane to the paradise, as Joni always calls it. So, I guess you are having a blast, right? :) Indeed, the fact that bananas are just hanging there is just awesome.. do you have those tiny cute red ones too? If you do, pease grab me some... And ask Joni why he doesn't blog! ;) Take care!
Just one question... Does the dog move his lips when he reads?
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