PS this weekend I am attending an AIESEC conference so the fun doesn’t look set to stop
Friday, May 05, 2006
At 11:00 sharp it started, with a march of dignitaries to the square, led by a marching-band.


What we won was a trip (transportation and housing included) to
Polish Dinner

The hostess with the mostess sitting the closest


However, since the weather is getting warmer I have begun enjoying my bike (which I brought with me from
Luckily Easter is such a long break that there was also time for some genuine sight-seeing. Together with Astrid (exchange student from the
The place was much bigger than I had expected and very welcoming with a full-size replica of a roman nobleman's house, where we could relax and play a game with utterly confusing rules.
Since these ruins were in close vicinity to
No prizes for guessing what type of weather we got the following two hours, but the dark clouds do give me an omnious appearance. Looks cool in a Darth Vader kind of way, don't you think?
More Skiing

It is so nice to have the Alps (where the snow is plentiful and the slopes are amazingly long) just around the corner. I have literally made a split-second decision of going for a alpine weekend, something that is impossible (or at least very expensive and cumbersome) in
Can you see me behind the Nargile/shisha/hookah?
The week after we went to Zürich for some night-time sightseeing.
No comments/pictures :-)