Monday, September 01, 2008


Apparently one of the surest signs of a blog's imminent death is a posting noting how long it's been since the previous post. This will therefore not be one of those posts, or will it?

1 comment:

Carolin said...

Hey Patrik,

seems like our blogging „situation“ is very similar…
Please don’t give up just yet!
I always enjoy(ed) reading your posts.

From my side: I’m really planning
to write an update really soon.
Ok, too much “really” in this sentence…
but I mean it – really ;-)

And actually there is something to update. Finished my studies in April, got a job in June, moved to Düsseldorf just now. The details will follow soon, on my blog.

How are you doing? Where has life taken you?

What a pity that we miss each other by a year! Or are you coming back to Düsseldorf by any chance?
Einen lieben Gruß vom Rhein!