Monday, April 03, 2006

Sunshine and a cloud

All signs point to an excellent time here. People are friendly and outgoing; courses seem cool and there is a gazillion fun things to do. I am worried I might get too carried away in my optimism.

I can confirm the impression that everything here is expensive, ridiculously so. The thing that best illustrates this is the tendency of many places to charge for the ketchup for the fries. On the plus side (or negative for my studies) beer and alcohol is marginally cheaper than at home.

Something that is harder to spin positively is the course selection system at UniSG. It is very complicated and it takes forever to check if two courses have a scheduling conflict. But the mere fact that this is my biggest problem here speaks volumes.


Anonymous said...

It seems like everything is running smoothly.:)

Enyoy the sun!


Cecilia Bernard said...

Uppdatera mera Åkerman! Vill ju veta vad som händer. Ciao, Cis